28654. Canned peaches. (F.D.C. No. 42938. S. No. 45-980 P.) QUANTITY: 2,195 cases, each containing 24 1-lb. 13-oz. cans, at Dallas, Tex. SHIPPED: Between 9-17-58 and 1-2-59, from Andersonville, Ga., by Easterlin Packing Co. LABEL IN PART: "Flint River Yellow Freestone Mixed Pieces and Halves of Irregular Sizes and Shapes, Peaches in Heavy Syrup, Packed by Easterlin Packing Company, Andersonville,- Georgia." LIBELED : 3-27-59, N. Dist. Tex. CHARGE: 403(g) (2)—when shipped, the article purported to be and was rep- resented as canned peaches, a food for which a definition and standard of identity has been prescribed by regulations, and its label failed to bear, as required by regulations, the correct name of the optional peach ingredient since the label bore the statement: "Mixed Pieces and Halves of Irregular Sizes and Shapes"; and since the label bore the statement: "In Heavy Syrup," whereas the article was packed in a medium designated by the regulations as "Light Syrup"; and 403(h) (1)—the quality of the article fell below the standard of quality for canned peaches since all peach units of the article tested in accordance with the method prescribed in such standard were not pierced by a weight of not more than 300 grams' and the label failed to bear, as specified by the regulations, a statement that it fell below such standard. DISPOSITION : 10-2-59. Consent—claimed by Easterlin Packing Co. Segregated; 267 cases relabeled as substandard and 15 cases destroyed. low Freestone Extra Heavy Syrup *¦..% * Raggedy Ann Corporation, Dis- tributors Chicago." ..-.,•;... libelee; 7-30-62, N, Dist.Ill; ; : :: - u CHARGE: 403(h) (2)—when shipped, the article fell below the standard of fill of container for canned peaches signee there was not present in the container the maximum quantity of the optional peach ingredients which could be sealed in the container and processed by heat so as to prevent spoilage, without crush- ing or breaking such ingredients, and its label failed to bear a statement that it fell below the standard. DISPOSITION : 9^20-62. Consent-—claimed by Sun Garden Packing Co. and relabeled. MISCELLANEOUS FRUIT PRODUCTS