28082. Canned sliced beets. (F.D.O. No. 47388. S. No. 51-866 T.) QUANTITY : 33 cases, 12 jars each, at Seattle, Wash. SHIPPED: 10-9-61, from West Salem, Oreg., by Blue Lake Packers. LABEL IN PART: (Jar) "Grandma Burny's * * * French Garlic Beets * * * Contents 1 Pint Packed by The Mar-Kit Corp. Santa Monica, California." RESULTS OP INVESTIGATION : Examination showed that the name and address of the packer and the quantity of contents statement were inconspicuous due to being printed in very small type. The article was not packed by the Mar-Kit Corp. LIBELED : 3-21-62, W. Dist. Wash. CHARGE: 403(a)—when shipped, the label statement "Packed by The Mar-Kit Corp., Santa Monica, California" was false and misleading, since the Mar-Kit Corp. was not the packer of the article; 403(f)—the name and place of busi- ness of the manufacturer, packer, distributor, and an accurate statement of the quantity of contents, was not prominently placed on the label with such conspicuousness (as compared with other words and statements on the label) as to render such information likely to be read by the ordinary individual under customary conditions of purchase and use; and 403(g) (1)—the article failed to conform to the definition and standard of identity for canned beets in that its label failed to bear words showing the optional form of the beet ingredient, namely "Slices" or "Sliced"; the names of the optional ingredients did not immediately precede or follow the name of the food without interven- ing written, printed or graphic matter; and the article contained sodium benzoate, which is not permitted as an ingredient of the article. DISPOSITION : 4-16-62. Default—delivered to a public institution.