28035. Rice. , (F.D.C. No. 47021. S. Nos. 20-447/8 T.) QUANTITY : 35 100-lb. bags and 22 100-lb. bags at Oklahoma City, Okla., in possession of CoUins-Dietz-Morris Co. SHIPPED : 1-2-62 and 1-15-62, from Carlisle, Ark. LIBELED: 2-8-62, W. Dist. Okla. CHARGE: 402(a) (3)—(22-bag lot) contained rodent urine; and 402(a)(4)— (both lots) held under insanitary conditions. DISPOSITION: 3-1-62. Consent—claimed by Collins-Dietz-Morris Co. Segre- gated; 4 100-lb. bags destroyed.