27731. Salt in shakers. (F.D.C. No. 46288. S. No. 76-731 R.) QUANTITY : 30 eases, each containing 36 pkgs. of 3 shakers, at Everett, Wash. SHIPPED: 7-18-61, from Newark, Calif., by Leslie Salt Co. LABEL IN PART: (Pkg.) "Little Leslie Shakers * * * Leslie Iodized Salt" and (shaker) "Iodized Leslie Salt Net Weight 4/10 Ounce Leslie Salt Co. San Francisco Free Running Agent Added." RESULTS OF INVESTIGATION : Examination showed that the ingredients state- ments and special dietary information with respect to iodized salt, were printed in type so small that it was difficult to read without the aid of a mag- nifying glass. LIBELED: 8-24-61, W. Dist. Wash. CHARGE: 403(f)—when shipped, the information required by 403 (i) (2) and (j) to appear on the label, namely, ingredient statements and the quantity of vitamins, minerals, and other dietary properties, was not prominently placed on the label with such conspicuousness (as compared with other words and statements on the label) as to render such information likely to be read by the ordinary individual under customary conditions of purchase and use. DISPOSITION: 2-12-62. Default—delivered to a public institution: