27442. Shelled Spanish peanuts (2 seizure actions). (F.D.C. Nos. 45925 and 45926. S. Nos. 87-881 R, 87-923 R.) QUANTITY : 377 120-lb. bags at Saint Joseph, Mo. SHIPPED : 12-5-60 and 12-9-60, from Fredericksburg, Tex. RESULTS OF INVESTIGATION: Inspection showed that 77 bags of the article had been held under insanitary conditions at the Douglas Candy Co., Saint Joseph, Mo., and that 300 bags of the article had been held under insanitary conditions at the Artesian Ice & Cold Storage Co., Saint Joseph, Mo. LIBELED : 6-6-61, W. Dist. Mo. CHARGE: 402(a)(3)—contained rodent urine; and 402(a)(4)—held under insanitary conditions. DISPOSITION : 6-9-61. Consent—claimed by Douglas Candy Co., and converted into seed peanuts and animal feed. QUANTITY: 131 120-lb. bags at Milwaukee, Wis. SHIPPED: 5-24-61, from Fitzgerald, 6a., by Dixie Peanut Co, LIBELED: 7-19-61, E. Dist. Wis. CHARGE: 402(a) (3)—contained insects, insect larvae, and rodent hairs; and 402(a) (4)-—prepared and packed under insanitary conditions, DISPOSITION: 8-16-61. Default—destruction.