27115. Lettuce. (F.D.C. No. 45370. S. No. 26-502 B.) QUANTITY : 600 ctns., 24 heads of lettuce each, at Milwaukee, Wis. SHIPPED : 12-6-60, from Phoenix, Ariz., by Bodine Produce Co. LABEL IN PART: (Ctn.) "Produce of USA Lettuce Mr. Big Head * * * From Arizona and California Growers. Bodine Produce Company * * * Phoenix, Arizona." LIBELED : 12-16-60, B. Dist. Wis,. . CHARGE: 402(a)(2)(B)—the article was a raw agricultural commodity and, when shipped, contained a pesticide chemical, namely, DDT, which was unsafe within the meaning of 408(a) since the quantity of such pesticide chemical on the article was not within the limits of the tolerance prescribed by regulations. DISPOSITION : 12-22-60. Consent—destruction.