26769. Canned tuna. (F.D.C. No. 43560. S. No. 82-785 P.) QUANTITY: 243 cases, 48 6%-oz. cans each, at Grand Island, Nebr. SHIPPED: 7-24-59, from Hoquiam, Wash., by Whiz Fish Products Co., Inc. LABEL IN PART: (Can) "Our Family Chunk Style Tuna * * * Distributed by Nash-Finch Co., Minneapolis, Minn." LIBELED : 9-28-59, Dist. Nebr. CHARGE: 403(f)—when shipped, the information required by 403(e)(1) to appear on the label, namely, the name and address of the distributor, was not prominently placed on the label with such conspicuousness (as compared with other words, statements, designs, or devices in the labeling) as to render such information likely to be read by the ordinary individual under cus- tomary conditions of purchase and use; and 403(h) (2)—the article fell below the standard of fill of container for canned tuna since the standard of fill of container for canned tuna is a fill such that the average weight of the pressed cake from 24 cans in a container designated as 307 x 113 is not less than 3.92 ounces, whereas, the article was in containers of the above-mentioned size and the average weight of the pressed cake from 24 cans was less than 3.92 ounces, and the label of the article failed to bear a statement that the article fell below such standard. DISPOSITION: 4-13-60. Consent—claimed by Whiz Fish Products Co., Inc., and relabeled.