26418. Cheddar cheese. (F.D.C. No. 44379. S. Nos. 97-270/1 P, 97-276 P.) QUANTITY: 758 ctns., 12 1%-lb. horns each, and 158 ctns., 4 horns each, at Chicago, Ill. SHIPPED: Between 1-18-60 and 2-4-60, from Marathon, Wis., by Marathon Cheese Co., Inc. LABEL IN PART: "4 Longhorn 9231 Made From Pasteurized Milk Wiscon- sin State Brand Ill Cheddar Cheese Wisconsin Jan. 11, 1960 (or other dates) Net Wt. 55%," and "Wisconsin State Brand Ill Midget Longhorn Style Cheddar Cheese Made from Pasteurized Milk Kraft Foods Division." RESULTS OF INVESTIGATION : Examination showed that the article failed to meet the definition and standard of identity for cheddar cheese since the milk used was not pasteurized, and the cheese so made had not been cured at a temperature of 35 degrees fahrenheit for a period of 60 days. LIBELED : 3-21-60, N. Dist. Ill. CHARGE: 403(a)—when shipped, the label statement "Made from pasteurized milk" was false and misleading; and 403(g) (1)—the article failed to conform to the definition and standard of identity for cheddar cheese. DISPOSITION : 4-14-60. Consent—claimed by Marathon Cheese Co., Inc., and relabeled. N EGGS