26166. Dried lima beans, dried black-eyed peas, dried white beans, and dried Great Northern bKans. (F.D.C. No. 41279. S. Nos. 82-201/5 M.) QUANTITY: 7 100-lb. bags of dried baby lima beans, 5 100-lb. bags of dried black-eyed peas, 5 100-lb. bags of small white beans, 3 100-lb. bags of Great Northern beans, and 3 100-lb. bags of dried large lima beans, at Sherman, Tex. SHIPPED : Between January 1957 and October 1957, from various places outside the State of Texas. LIBELED : 1-9-58, E. Dist. Tex. CHARGE : 402 (a)(3) —contained insects while held for sale. DISPOSITION : 4-15-58. Default—destruction.