26135. Bread mix, unpopped popcorn, and dried navy foKans. (F.D.O. No. 43105. S. Nos. 17-^99 P, 17-527/8 P.) INFORMATION FILED: 8-3-59, N. Dist. Ohio^ against David Kirk Sons Co., a corporation, Findlay, Ohio, and Robert W. Kirk, president. ALLEGED VIOLATION : Between 10-25-56 and 1-16-59, the defendants caused quan- tities of the above-mentioned products, while held for sale after shipment in interstate commerce, to be held in a building accessible to rodents and insects, and to be exposed to contamination by rodents and insects, which acts resulted in the products being adulterated. CHARGE: 402(a) (3)—the bread mix and the unpopped popcorn contained live and dead insects; and 402(a) (4)—all products were held under insanitary conditions. PLEA : Nolo contendere. DISPOSITION: 8-14-59. Fine of $1,500 against the corporation; $300 against the individual. DAIRY PRODUCTS BUTTER