25712. Canned cut green bKans. (F.D.C. No. 42653. S. Nos. 22-353 P, 55-603 P.). QUANTITY: 708 cases, 24 cans each, at Kansas City, Kans. SHIPPED : 11-12-58, from Stilwell, Okla., by Stilwell Canning Co. LABEL IN PART: (Can) "Perry Lou Short Cut Green Beans Contents 15%^ Oz. * * * Packed by Stilwell Canning Co. Stilwell, Okla." LIBELED : 1-8-59, Dist. Kans. CHARGE: 403(h) (1)—when shipped, the quality of the article fell below the- standard of quality for canned cut green beans since the article contained more than 6 unstemmed units per 12 ounces of drained weight, and its label failed to bear, as specified by the regulations, a statement that it fell below such standard. DISPOSITION : 4-14-59. Consent—claimed by Stilwell Canning Co. and brought; into compliance with the law.