25637. Liquid fat. (F.D.C. No. 41554. S. No. 15-562 P.) QUANTITY : 60,000 lbs. at Lexington, Ky. SHIPPED: 11-14-57, from Cincinnati, Ohio, by Kentucky Chemical Industries, Inc. RESULTS OF INVESTIGATION: Examination showed that the article was a mix- ture of fat and fatty acids with a relatively high content of unsaponifiable material. The article was used as an ingredient in poultry feeds. When fed to poultry in customary amounts, the article was toxic. LIBELED : 5-9-58, E. Dist. Ky. CHARGE: 402(a)(1)—contained an added poisonous or deleterious substance when shipped. DISPOSITION: 10-3-58. Consent—claimed by Red Comb Pioneer Mills, Inc., Lexington, Ky. Destroyed except for 200 gal., which were to be used by claimant for experimental purposes only.