25312. Lettuce. (F.D.O. No. 42208. S. No. 22-839 P.) QUANTITY : 959 ctns. at New York, N.Y. SHIPPED : 9-18-58, from Willcox, Ariz., by Gold Badge Farms. LABEL IN PART : "Two Dozen * * * Westward Ho Quality Lettuce * * * Gold Badge Farms, Growers, Shippers, Packers, Phoenix, Ariz * * * Willcox." LIBELED : 9-29-58, S. Dist. N.Y. CHARGE: 402(a)(2)—when shipped, the article contained poisonous and del- eterious substances, namely, parathion and a fluorine compound, which are un- safe within the meaning of 408 since the quantity of parathion and fluorine compound contained in the article exceeded the tolerances for such pesticide chemicals on lettuce. DISPOSITION : 10-14-58. Default—destruction.