24994. Sesame seed and unshelled peanuts (3 seizure actions). (F.D.C. No. 41550. S. Nos. 21-298/9 P, 21-301 P.) QUANTITY : 2 100-lb. bags of sesame seed and 48 115-lb. bags of unshelled pea- nuts at Kansas City, Mo., in possession of S. W. Noggle Co. SHIPPED : Sesame seed, prior *o 2-17-58, from outside the United States; and unshelled peanuts, 11-15-57 and 1-17-58, from Franklin, Va., and Brady, Tex. LIBELED : 5-12-58, W. Dist. Mo. *See also No. 24951. CHARGE: 402(a) (3)—sesame seed contained rodent urine and rodent pellets; and 402(a) (4)—all lots held under insanitary conditions. DISPOSITION : 6-12-58. Default—consumption by animals.