24269. Enriched flour. (IT. No. 329.) COMPLAINT FOR INJUNCTION FILED : 12-31-57, Dist. Nebr., against the Lexing- ton Mill & Elevator Co., a corporation, Lexington, Nebr. CHARGE : The complaint alleged that the defendant had been causing to be intro- duced and to be delivered for introduction into interstate commerce, flour, in- voiced as "Enriched" flour, which was adulterated and misbranded as follows-: 402-(b) (1)—^valuable constituents, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin,'and iron, had been in part omitted from the flour; and 403 (g> (1)—the article purported to be and was represented as enriched flour, and it failed to conform to the definition and standard of identity for enriched flour-since it contained per pound less than 2 milligrams of thiamine, less than 1.2 milligrams of riboflavin, less than 16 milligrams of niacin, and less than 13 milligrams of iron. . ' The complaint further alleged that the .defendant was well aware that its activities were in violation of the law; that on 3 different occasions in the, past 12 years, samples of the defendant's flour had been found deficient in enrich- ment ingredients; and that 3 different hearings had been afforded the defend- ant since 1945, for violations of the Act. ! DISPOSITION : 12-31-57. The defendants having consented, the court entered a decree of permanent injunction enjoining and restraining the defendant against commission of the acts complained of.