24033. Green olives. (F. D. C. No. 40261. S. No. 73-307 M.) QUANTITY : 97 cases, 24 btls. each, and 99 cases, 24 btls. each, at Denver, Colo. SHIPPED : Between 1-24-57 and 4-11-57, from Chicago, Ill., by Old Monk Co. LABEL IN PART: "Old Monk Brand Petite Olives * * * Drained Wt. 6% oz. [or"3oz."]." LIBELED : 5-24-57, Dist. Colo. CHARGE: 402 (a) (3)—contained insects and rodent hairs when shipped; and 403 (e) (2)—the article in the 6%-oz. size bottles failed to bear a label con- taining an accurate statement of the quantity of contents (the article was short weight). DISPOSITION : 7-25-57. Default—destruction. TOMATOES AND TOMATO PRODUCTS