23971. Canned peas. (F. D. C. No. 40098. S. No. 69-344 M.) QUANTITY: 61 cases, 48 8%-oz. cans each, at Philadelphia, Pa. SHIPPED : 12-22-55, from Auburn, N. Y., by H. O. Hemingway & Co. LABEL IN PART: (Can) "Schuyler *** Sweet Wrinkled Peas." LIBELED : 3-15-57, E. Dist. Pa. CHARGE: 403 (h) (1)—when shipped, the quality of the article fell below the standard of quality for canned peas, since the article was a sweet wrinkled variety of peas and the alcohol-soluble solids of peas in the container were more than 21 per cent, the maximum permitted by the regulations, and the label of the article failed to bear, in the manner and form specified by regula- tions, a statement that the article fell below such standard. DISPOSITION : 4-15-57. Default—destruction,