23883. Sweet mixed pickles and sweet pickle relish. (F. D. C. No. 39725. S. Nos. 39-348/9 M.) QUANTITY : 74 cases, 4 1-gal. jars eaeh, of mixed pickles, and 47 cases, 4 1-gal. jars each, of pickle relish, at Atlanta, Ga. SHIPPED : 10-3-56, from Denmark, S. C., by Denmark Foods, Inc. LABEL IN PART: (Jar) "Allendale Sweet Mixed Pickles [or "Sweet Pickle Relish"]." LIBELED : 12-18-56, N. Dist. Ga. CHARGE: 402 (a) (3)—contained insects, insect parts, and rodent hairs; and 402 (a.) (4)—prepared under insanitary conditions. DISPOSITION : 1-25-57. Default—destruction.