23818. Brazil nuts (4 seizure actions). (F. D. C. Nos. 39768, 39769, 39781, 39783. S. Nos. 55-713 M, 55-719 M, 55-732 M, 55-856 M.) QUANTITY: 5 100-lb. bags; 23 50-lb. bags; 171 ctns., containing 24 1-lb. trays each; and 109 cases, containing 24 1-lb. trays each, at Cincinnati, Ohio. SHIPPED : Between 10-6-56 and 10-23-56, from New York, N. Y., by William A. Camp. Co., Inc. LABEL IN PART : (Bag) "American Beauty Brand Large Brazil Nuts"; (trays) "Tropical Selected Brazil Nuts." LIBELED : Between 11-19-56 and 11-26-56, S. Dist. Ohio. CHARGE: 402 (a) (3)—contained moldy, decomposed, shriveled, and rancid nuts, and empty shells when shipped. DISPOSITION : 1-28-57. Consent—claimed by William A. Camp Co., Inc., Seg- regated ; 1,080 lbs. destroyed.