23664. Flour. (F. D. C. No. 38766. S. No. 11-751M.) QUANTITY : 196 100-lb. bags at New Orleans, La. SHIPPED : 10-26-55, from Greenville, Tex. LIBELED : 11-17-55, E. Dist. La. CHARGE: 402 (a) (2)—contained, in interstate commerce, an added poisonous and deleterious substance, benzene hexachloride, which is unsafe within the meaning of the law since it is a substance not required in the production of the article and can be avoided by good manufacturing practice. DISPOSITION : 7-12-56. Consent—claimed by Biehl & Co., Inc., New Orleans, La. Denatured for use in the manufacture of glue. MACARONI AND NOODLE PRODUCTS