23448. Tru-Vite Tabsules. (F. D. C. No. 39236. S. No. 52-886 M.) QUANTITY : 24 btls., each btl. containing 100 Tru-Vite Tabsules at New York, N.Y. SHIPPED: 3-16-56 and 3-21-56, from Jersey City, N. J., by Schife Bio-Food Products, Inc. LABEL IN PART: (Btl.) "Tabsules Tru-Vite." RESULTS OF INVESTIGATION : Analysis showed that the article contained 72 percent of the declared amount of vitamin C. LIBELED : 5-18-56, S. Dist. N. Y, CHARGE : 402 (b) (1)—a valuable constituent, vitamin C, had been in part omit- ted or abstracted from the article when shipped; and 403 (a)—the label state- ment "One Tru-Vite a day provides 100% MDR or more of all essential vitamins in Natural Form as follows: * * * C, 60 Mg. (1200 Units) or 200%" was false and misleading. DISPOSITION : 6-25-56. Default—destruction.