23347. Vitamin capsules. (F. D. C. No. 38907. S. Nos. 37-043/4 M, 37-047 M, 37-050/1 M, 37-054/5 M, 37-064 M, 37-066 M, 37-089/91 M.) 23301-23350] NOTICES Or JUDGMENT 113 QUANTITY : 11 100-capsule pkgs. of Lederplex, 18 100-capsule boxes of vita- min B complex, 5 100-capsule btls. of Provite B, 1 400-capsule btl. of Provite B with vitamin B, 8 100-capsule btls. of 01-Vitum, 6 100-capsule btls. of Bepadin, 4 100-capsule btls. of Bepadin with vitamin C, 1 1,200-capsule btl. of Minules, 1 900-capsule btl. of Heptuna, 75 pkgs. of Viterra multivita- mins capsules, 650 boxes of Viterra therapeutic capsules, and 2 btls. contain- ing a total of 2,000 Obron capsules, at Newark, N. J. SHIPPED : On unknown dates, from Chicago, Ill., Cleveland, Ohio, Philadelphia, Pa., and New York and Pearl River, N. Y. LIBELED : 1-13-56, Dist. N. J. CHARGE: 402 (b) (1)—(vitamin B complex capsules, Provite B capsules, Provite B with vitamin B capsules, 01-Vitum capsules, Bepadin capsules, Bepadin with vitamin C capsules, Viterra therapeutic capsules, and Obron capsules) a valuable constituent, vitamin Bi, had been in part omitted or abstracted from the articles; and (Minules capsules and Viterra multivitamins capsules) val- uable constituents, vitamins B* and C, had been in part omitted or abstracted from the articles. 403 (a)—(vitamin B complex capsules) the label statement "Bach Capsule contains: Vitamin Bi (Thiamine Chloride) 1.5 mg." was false and misleading as applied to a product which contained less than the stated amount of vitamin Bi per capsule; (Provite B capsules) the label statement "Each Capsule Con- tains: Vitamin Bi (Thiamine Cl) 25 mg." was false and misleading as ap- plied to a product which contained less than the declared amount of vitamin Bi per capsule; (Provite B with vitamin B capsules) the label statement "Bach Capsule Contains: Vitamin Bi (Thiamine Hydrochloride) 25 mg." was false and misleading as applied to a product which contained 18 milligrams of vita- min Bi per capsule; (01-Vitum capsules) the label statement "Each capsule contains: * * * Vitamin Bi 2.5 mgs." was false and misleading as applied to a product which contained not more than 1.75 milligrams of vitamin Bi per capsule; (Bepadin capsules) the label statement "Each Capsule Contains: 500 U. S. P. Units Vitamin Bi" was false and misleading as applied to a product which contained not more than 250 U. S. P. units of vitamin Bi per capsule; (Bepadin with vitamin C capsules) the label statement "Each Capsule con- tains * * * Vitamins * * * Bi 2 mg. Thiamine Cl" was false and misleading as applied to a product which contained 1.5 milligrams of vitamin Bi per capsule; (Minules capsules) the label statement "Each capsule contains: Vitamin Bi (thiamine hydrochloride) ... 2 mg. * * * Vitamin C (as- corbic acid) ... 20 mg." was false and misleading as applied to a product which contained not more than 1.4 milligrams of vitamin Ba and not more than 10 milligrams of vitamin C per capsule; (Viterra Multivitamins cap- sules) the label statement "Each Capsule Contains * * * Thiamine Hydro- chloride U. S. P. . . . 3 mg. * * * Ascorbic Acid U. S. P. . . . 50 mg." was false and misleading as applied to a product which contained 2.1 milligrams of vitamin Bi and 40 milligrams of vitamin C per capsule; (Viterra therapeutic capsules) the label statement "Each Capsule Contains * * * Vitamin Bi (Thiamine Mononitrate) U. S. P. 10 mg." was false and misleading as applied to a product which contained not more than 8.0 milligrams of vitamin Bi per capsule; and (Obron capsules) the label statement "Each Capsule Contains: * * * Thiamine Hydrochloride . . . U. S. P. 2 mg." was false and mislead- ing as applied to a product which contained 1.3 milligrams of vitamin Bi. (thiamine hydrochloride) per capsule. 403 (e) (1)—(Lederplex capsules and Heptuna capsules) the labels failed to bear the names and places of business of the manufacturers, packers, or distributors. 403 (j)—(Lederplex capsules and Heptuna capsules) the labels of the arti- cles failed to bear, as required by regulations, information concerning their vitamin and other dietary properties. All lots were misbranded and/or adulterated while held for sale. The libel alleged also that 27 other products were adulterated and mis- branded under the provisions of the law applicable to drugs, as reported in notices of judgment on drugs and devices, No. 4986. DISPOSITION : 2-14-56. Default—destruction.