22902. Dried bKans. (F. D. C. No. 38740. S. Nos. 33-189/96 M, 33-198/200 M, 42-800 M.) QUANTITY: 3 100-lb. bags; 20 cases, 12 2-lb. bags each; 21 cases, 24 1-lb. bags each; and 1 case containing 23 1-lb. bags at Big Spring, Tex. SHIPPED : Prior to 9-15-55, from points outside Texas. LIBELED : 12-28-55, N. Dist. Tex. CHARGE: 402 (a) (3)—the 3 100-lb. bags contained moldy beans, and all other lots contained insects while held for sale. DISPOSITION : 3-21-56. Default—destruction.