22589. Butter. (F. D. C. No. 37154. S. No. 7-700 M.) QUANTITY : 2,304 lbs. at Fort Bliss, Tex. SHIPPED: 9-5-55, from El Reno, Okla., by El Reno Poultry & Egg Co. LABEL IN PART: "Canadian Valley Butter El Reno Poultry & Egg Co. . El Reno, Okla. 1 pound net." RESULTS OF INVESTIGATION: Examination showed that the butter had been prepared from decomposed cream. , LIBELED: 9-23-55, W. Dist. Tex. CHARGE: 402 (a) (3)—contained a decomposed substance when shipped. DISPOSITION : 12-12-55. Consent—claimed by Fox Deluxe Foods, Inc., Chicago, 111. Converted to butter oil. CHEESE