22221. Flour. (F. D. C. No. 37560. S. Nos. 9-813/7 M.) QUANTITY : 446 50-lb. bags and 32 25-lb. bags at Sioux City, Iowa, in posses- sion of Pierce-Holdcroft Warehouse. SHIPPED: Between 10-27-54 and 11-24-54, from Minneapolis and Wabasha, Minn., and Lincoln, Nebr. LIBELED : 12-27-54, N. Dist. Iowa. CHARGE: 402 (a) (3)—contained rodent urine; and, 402 (a) (4)—held under insanitary conditions. DISPOSITION: 1-28-55. Consent—claimed by Kaplan Wholesale Grocer Co., Sioux City, Iowa. 8,275 lbs. segregated as unfit and denatured.