22138. Frozen eggs. (F. D. C. No. 37618. S. Nos. 12-658/9 M.) QUANTITY : 89 30-lb. cans at New York, N. Y. -SHIPPED: 12-27-54 and 1-10-55, from Carlisle, Pa., by Carlisle Poultry & Egg Association, Inc. LIBELED : 1-25-55, S. Dist. N. Y. CHARGE : 402 (a)(3) —contained decomposed eggs when shipped. DISPOSITION : 4-18-55. Consent—claimed by Nearby Producers Egg & Poultry Marketing Co., New York, N. Y. 76 30-lb. cans segregated as unfit, de- natured, and sold to a manufacturer of tanners' supplies.