22025. Frozen french-fried onion rings. (F. D. C. No. 37716. S. No. 8-235 M.) QUANTITY : 249 eases, 12 4-oz. pkgs. each, at Kansas City, Kans. SHIPPED: 12-7-54, from Pitman, N. J., by Home Style Foods, Inc. LABEL IN PART: (Pkg.) "Home Style Freshly Fried and Frozen * * * French Fried Onion Rings." LIBELED: 1-3-55, Dist. Kans. CHARGE: 402 (a) (3)—contained insect parts and rodent hairs; and, 402 (a) (4)—prepared under insanitary conditions. DISPOSITION : 2-21-55. Default—destruction.