22005. Candy. (F. D. C. No. 37480. S. No. 4-005 M.) QUANTITY : 37 cartons, 24 1-lb. tubs each, at Bradford, Pa. SHIPPED : 10-7-54 and 10-28-54, from Oswego, N. Y., by Oswego Candy Co. LABEL IN PART: (Tub) "Ox-Heart Brand * * * Ox-Heart Chocolate Cream Drops." "See also Nos. 22030, 22031. 22001-22050] NOTICES OF JUDGMENT 3 LIBELED : 12-20-54, W. Dist. Pa. CHARGE: 402 (a) (3)—contained insect parts and rodent hairs; and, 402 (a) (4) —prepared under insanitary conditions. DISPOSITION: 1-26-55. Default—destruction.