21272. Adulteration of crabmeat. U. S. v. 174 Cans, etc. (and 1 other seizure action). (F. D. C. Nos. 35858, 35859. Sample Nos. 57791-L, 57792-L, 75051-L,75052-L.) LIBELS FILED: On or about October 6, 1953, District of Maryland. ALLEGED SHIPMENT : On or about October 12,1953, by Piner's Seafood Co., from Fort Myers, Fla. PRODUCT: 596 cans of crabmeat at Baltimore, Md. LABEL IN PART: "Piner's Seafood Co., Fla. * * * Claw [or "Deluxe"] Crabmeat." NATURE OF CHARGE: Adulteration, Section 402 (a) (4), the article had been prepared and packed under insanitary conditions whereby it may have become contaminated with filth or whereby it may have been rendered injurious to health. DISPOSITION ; November 6,1953. Default decrees of condemnation and destruc- tion.