20963. Adulteration of butter. U. S. v. 66 Cases * * «*.. (F. D. Q. ,NQ9a35846. 1)973181103 5§33W^e9K9%4l52(h^)2Ai .aOJJiM^ ,il 5,: 1953; IMstrict^MassachusettsJifiq ai to none a\ aAEiia ES?s£pi&l&^ the' Beatrice F:OodssC6;^from Galesburg, Ill. ¦ .wauavr, iiii?.jffi ~#KcfeM!T Poi66Cfea^e'sy>eaeh cWtaihing1 f32,! il-pouiid prlhts^'of-blatter°ati Boston, Mass. Jb>C'n~'iT- LABEL, IN PART: (Print) "Valley Farm Brand Butter *" * - . Distributed By Beatrice Foods Co. General Office—Chicago, Illinois.'' NATURE OF CHARGE: Adulteration, Section 402 (a) (3). the article consisted in whole or in part of a decomposed substance. (Examination showed that the article was prepared from decomposed cream.) DISPOSITION : September 24, 3953. The Beatrice Foods Co., claimant, having consented to the entry of a decree, judgment of condemnation was entered :' ~ andthe Cburtordered that the product be released under bond for conversion e into1 edible butter oil, under the supervision of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.