20499. Misbranding of Vit-Ra-Tox No. 21. U. S. v. 25 Cartons * * *. (F. D. C No. 34391. Sample Nos. 62612-L, 62613-L.) LIBEL FILED : January 6, 1953, Eastern District of Missouri, and was represented as a food for special dietary use by reason of its vitamin and mineral content, and its label failed to bear such information concerning its vitamin and mineral properties as has been determined to be and by regula- tions prescribed as necessary in order fully to inform purchasers as to its value for such uses, in that its label failed to bear (1) a statement of the dietary properties with respect to vitamins and minerals upon which such use was based; (2) a statement of the proportion of the minimum dally re- quirements for the vitamins for which minimum daily requirements had been established and which would be supplied by the article when consumed in a specified quantity during a period of one day; (3) a statement of the amount of the vitamins contained in the article for which minimum daily requirements had not been established; (4) a statement that the need in human nutrition for vitamins E, F, and the P fruition of the C complex and the Wulzen factor of the F complex had not been established; and (5) a statement of the pro- portion of the minimum daily requirements for iron, calcium, phosphorus, and iodine which would be supplied by the article when consumed in a specified quantity during a period of one day. The article was misbranded when intro- duced into, while in, and while held for sale after shipment in, interstate commerce. The article was alleged to be misbranded also under the provisions of -the law applicable to drugs, as reported in notices of judgment on drugs and devices, No. 4136. DISPOSITION : January 30, 1953. Default decree of condemnation. The court ordered that a portion of the article be delivered to the Food and Drug Ad- ministration and that the remainder be destroyed.