19942. Misbranding of canned tomatoes. U. S. v. 367 Cases * * *. (F. D. C. No. 33884. Sample No. 49174-L,) • LIBEL FILED : September 24,1952, Eastern District of New York. ALLEGED SHIPMENT : On or about August 5, 1952, by Williamsburg Canning Co., Inc., from Williamsburg, Md. PRODUCT: 367 cases, each containing 24 1-pound cans, of tomatoes at Brooklyn, N.-Y. LABEL IN PART: "Williamsburg Brand * * * Tomatoes." NATURE OF CHARGE: Misbranding, Section 403 (h) (1), the product fell below the standard of quality for canned tomatoes since it contained excessive peel and the label failed to bear a statement that the product fell below the standard. DISPOSITION: November 25, 1952. Clifford C. Faulkner of the Williamsburg Canning Co., Inc., claimant, having consented to the entry of a decree, judg- ment of condemnation was entered and the court ordered that the product be released under bond to be relabeled under the supervision of the Federal Security Agency.