19701. Alleged Adulteration of candy. U. S. y. John H. Wellons (Wellons Candy Co. and Supreme Candy Co.), and Calvin Gl Wellons. Plea of nolo contendere by John H. Wellons; fine, $150. Plea of not guilty by Calvin G. Wellons; verdict of not guilty. (F. D. C. No. 33842. Sample Nos. 3550-L, 39291-L, 39292-L.) INFORMATION FILED: December 19, 1952, Eastern District of North Carolina, ... against John H.: Welloh^ttrading under the firm name of the) Wellons Candy Co. and the SupremejCandyCoX and Calvin,G. Wellons, general manager. ALLEGED SHIPMENT: On or about July 25 and August 8f 1982, from the State of North Carolina into the State of Virginia. LABEL IN PART: "Rainbow Bar," "Cabbage Bar," "Childhood Bar," "Jazz Bar," "Pixie Bar," "Supreme Nut Tic Tie Tic Roll," and "Wellons Nut Rob." NATURE OF CHARGE: Adulteration, Section 402 (a) (3), the product consisted in part of a filthy substance by reason of the presence of insects, larval head capsules, insect fragments, larvae,; larval east skins, mites, aphids, rodent hairs, and rodent hair fragments. DISPOSITION : April 9, 1953. A plea of nolo contendere having been entered by John H. Wellons and a plea of not guilty by Calvin G. Wellons, the court fined John H. Wellons $150 and found Calvin G. Wellons not guilty.