19414. Adulteration of wheat. U. S. v. 1 Carload * * *. (F. D. C. No. 33623. Sample No, 65267-L.) an added poisonous and deleterious substance, a mercurial compound, which is unsafe within the meaning of the law since it is a substance not required in the production of the article and can be avoided by good manufacturing practice. DISPOSITION : August 11, 1952. The Lemmon Grain Co., claimant, having con- sented to the entry of a decree, judgment of condemnation was entered and the court ordered that the product be released under bond for reprocessing, under the supervision of the Federal Security Agency. On September 4,1952, the court entered an order by which the Farmers Union Grain Terminal As- sociation, St. Paul, Minn., was substituted as claimant in lieu of the Lemmon Grain Co., and which provided that the product be reprocessed by scouring. The scouring process resulted in the destruction of 3,110 pounds of the product as unfit.