19222. Adulteration and misbranding of sorghum molasses. U. S. v. 36 Cans, etc. (F. D. C No. 32918. Sample No. 34245-L.) LIBEL FILED : March 31,1952, Western District of Tennessee. ALLEGED SHIPMENT: On or about January 26, 1952, by BucK1 Hillman, from Conehatta, Miss. PRODUCT: 36 1-gallon cans and 6 %-gallon cans of molasses at Bells, Tenn. LABEL IN PART: "Newton County, Mississippi Honey Drip Sorghum Mo- lasses." NATURE OF CHARGE; Adulteration, Section 402 (b) (2), a mixture of sorghum, corn sirup, and sugar had been substituted in whole or in part for sorghum molasses. Misbranding, Section 403 (a), the label statement "Sorghum Molasses" was false and misleading. DISPOSITION: June 5, 1952. Default decree of condemnation. The court ordered that the product be delivered to a charitable institution.