18353. Adulteration of coffee sweeps. U. S. v. 3,000 Pounds, etc. (F. D. C. No. 27190. Sample Nos. 11601-K, 11602-K.) LIBEL FILED : May 9,1949, Eastern District of New York. ALLEGED SHIPMENT : On or about March 16 and October 7, 1948, from Brazil. PRODUCT: 4,500 pounds of coffee sweeps at Brooklyn, N. Y., in possession of the V'^ew York Dock Co., Building 40.. ; NATURE OF CHARGE: ;Adulteration, Section 402 (a) (3), the article consisted in jijWhole or in part of a filthy substance,by reason of the presence of wood <*0SPlinters,rpil, dirt, andother foreign matter; and, Section 402 (a) (4), it I had been held under insanitary conditions whereby it may have become con- taminated with filth. The article was adulterated while held fox sale after "^shipment in interstate commerce. DISPOSITION : ? February 8, 1952. The sole intervener having withdrawn its claim for the./product, a default decree of condemnation and destruction was '¦entered. ->•;¦/:- ' •:-'. •;¦;•.-?-¦.;; ; Nos. 18354 to 18360 report actions involving flour that was insect- or rodent-infested, or both. The flour reported inNoPi8&6ifaMed%^eet%hfe standard for enriched flour. ": '¦ ¦ - [ " -r-.L;<-¦-.