18272. Adulteration tf Welsh rabbits ; Imi S. v, 16 Cases (and 1 other seizure ;i .. In action). i/(F.;iD.!G.NOS;> 31800,,. 31971;/ Sample Nos. ,4182-Li 4184^-L, 4521-L, 4522-L.) Live. >;;.-.¦ !.¦:¦. LIBELS FILED : October 16 and 31,,, 1951, District of Columbia. ALLEGED SHIPMENT: On or about February 27, August 20, and October 19, 1951, ^rom'ChieagQ,Ill.,'by*thfe^Sue Ann FOR "Products1 Corp ¦¦ ci : : :^a( / S,y:,- PRODUCT: 76caseis, each cbntaihihg^l2uiO-ounee 'bottles,-Pof' Welsh5Rabbit at Washington, D. C. (-» '¦'' ¦-'' LABELJIN PART: ^'Cocktail Delight Welsh' Eaxebit." r ; >'; ' ; : ' ; NATURE OF CHARGE: Adulteration, Section 402 (a) (3), the' article consisted in; whole or in part of a filthy substance by reason of the presence5 bf'mites/ DISPOSITION: December 24, 1951." Default decrees of condemnation^ The court ordered that theproduct be delivered to the National Zoological Park. u '';i';21845'7—52—-2" •"^:'-';-: -¦^¦^•: .' -.K-:,,-..! •.¦<¦; dry,.-.y-.-- ¦;¦¦ ^ :0 /.-;