17974. Adulteration of canned shrimp. U. S. v. 28 Cases * * * (and 2 other seizure actions). (F. D. C. Nos. 31472, 31473. Sample Nos. 21659-L to 21661-L, incl.) LIBELS FILED : August 15, 1951, Eastern District of Louisiana. ALLEGED SHIPMENT: On or about October 12, 1950. and January 3, 1951, from Boston, Mass. These were return shipments. in whole or in part of a decomposed substance by reason of the presence of de- composed shrimp, and it was otherwise unfit for food by reason of the pres- ence of grayish colored shrimp with a metallic taste. DISPOSITION : September 19, 1951. Default decrees of condemnation and de- struction.