17523. Action to enjoin and restrain the interstate shipment of adulterated cheese and cheese products. U. S. v. Arthur A. Mohr (Volney Cheese Factory). Injunction granted. (In. No. 133.) COMPLAINT FILED : January 4, 1946, Northern District of Iowa, against Arthur A. Mohr, trading as the Volney Cheese Factory, Volney, Iowa. NATURE OF CHARGE : That the defendant, from on or about June 22,1944, to the time of filing the complaint, had been shipping in interstate commerce from Foley, Iowa, cheese and cheese products which were adulterated within the meaning of Section 402 (a) (3), in that the products consisted in whole or in part of filthy substances; and, Section 402 (a) (4), in that the products had been prepared, packed, and held under insanitary conditions. The complaint alleged further that the defendant had been warned to remedy the existing defects and his method of preparing and processing milk, cheese, and cheese products; and, in addition, that he had been warned not to ship these products so adulterated in interstate commerce, but that the warnings had been ignored and that the defendant would continue to ship adulterated cheese and cheese products unless enjoined from so doing. The complaint prayed that a preliminary injunction be granted pending the hearing for a permanent injunction and that, upon hearing, the preliminary injunction be made permanent. DISPOSITION : On February 8, 1946, the action having come one or hearing, the defendant was adjudged in default for failure to file any pleading whatsoever. Thereupon the court issued an order which enjoined and restrained the de- fendant for a period of 6 months from shipping, causing to be shipped, or introducing for shipment, in interstate commerce, cheese or any other milk products made, processed, or manufactured by the defendant at his cheese factory and plant at Olney, Iowa.