17147. Adulteration of dressed poultry. > U. •&?to ¦8;Crater its;$:n-*»1 f (K. DEC.[ .::ii;.'.: No. 30378. SampleNosn80235-K,80236^Bi^ j : ;i!;: ^;3 « LIBEL FILED : January 10, 1951, District of Massachusetts.' ?-^ --HH ALLEGED SHIPMENT":'" bnoraDout December'28; 1^50, hf' Joe ddhen frota "Yar- mouth, Maine. PRODUCT: » 65Lpound; crated of! dressed pwitr at Bdston, MJ^|;'''L';"K u '""a iJ'" NATURE OF CHARGE: Adulteration, Section 402 (a) (3), the * article consisted in whole or in 'part of a "filthy 'substance5by reason* of the presence of birds cbh^ taminated'' with fecial' matter j'aiid^'Sebtioh 402s '(a)' (5), ' We''article'''was'in whole or in part the "product '6f a! diseased'animal.or of an! animal*which had died otherwise than by slaughter. '? ,v .1 :\\\i\"¦ DISPOSITION : February. 6, 1951; Default decree' of condemnation and €estrmc:' tion. ^ ;;.--"-l- - ¦¦:¦ A h.\-\ -.;¦•.;!¦';;¦;;' '[¦<. .;]'.¦ ^iU^^: i^\. ;'.-;J:"i" %:> Ho