16994. Misbranding of imitation black pepper. U. S. v. 1 200-Pound Drum, etc. (F. D. C. No. 29968. Sample Nos. 70751-K, 70752-K.) LIBEL FILED : On or about November 18,1950, District of Kansas. ALLEGED SHIPMENT : On or about August 30,1950, from Kansas City, Mo. PRODUCT: Imitation black pepper. 1 200-pound drum containing 50 pounds, and 6 unlabeled %-pound packages and 4 unlabeled 1-pound packages repacked from the above drum, at Kansas City, Kans., in possession of the Katy Fruit Market. RESULTS OF INVESTIGATION: The unlabeled pouncl packages and 1-pound packages of imitation black pepper had been repacked from the drum and were displayed on the counter, together with a placard reading "Ground Black Pepper 98£. Full Pound." LABEL, IN PART : (Drum) "Taste Rite Imitation Ground Pepper (Black) Con- tains Buckwheat Cereal Base, Spices and Red Pepper, Black Pepper, Shells, Charlock." NATURE OF CHARGE: Misbranding, Section 403 (b), the product was offered for sale under the name of another food, i. e., pure black pepper. The product was misbranded while held for sale after shipment in interstate commerce. DISPOSITION : January 18, 1951. Default decree of condemnation and destruc- tion.