16823. Adulteration of Cheddar cheese. U. S. v. Dimock Dairy Products Co Plea of guilty. Fine, $100. (F. D. C. No. 29473. Sample No. 75751-K) INFORMATION FILED: November 6, 1950, District of South Dakota, against the Dimock Dairy Products Co., a corporation, Dimock, S. Dak. ALLEGED VIOLATION: On or about November 4, 1948, the defendant gave to a firm engaged in the business of shipping cheese in interstate commerce, at Sioux Falls, S. Dak., a guaranty to the effect that all food products sold or delivered to the holder of the guaranty would be neither adulterated nor mis- branded under the law; and on or about May 12, 1950, the defendant caused to be delivered to the holder of the guaranty, at Dimock, S. Dak., a quantity of Cheddar cheese that was adulterated. NATURE OF CHARGE : Adulteration, Section 402 (a) (3), the product consisted in part of a filthy substance by reason of the use of filthy milk in the manufacture of the product and of the presence of insect fragments, manure fragments, sand, rust, dirt, and plant matter. DISPOSITION: November 15, 1950. A plea of guilty having been entered, the court fined the defendant $100.