16350. Adulteration and misbranding of vitamin B complex tablets. U. S. v. 10 Bottles * * *. (F. D. C No. 29037. Sample No. 48936-K.) LIBEL FILED : On or about April- 11, 1950, District of New ,Jersey. ALLEGED SHIPMENT: On or about January 3, 1950, by Lannett Co., Inc., from Philadelphia', Pa. PRODUCT: 10 bottles each containing 5,000 vitamin B complex tablets at Lake- wood, N. J. NATURE OF CHARGE: Adulteration, Section 402 (b) (1), valuable"1 constituents; vitamin B2 and niacinamide, had been in whole or in part omitted or abstracted from the article. Misbranding, Section 403 (a), the label statement "Each Tablet Contains: * * * Vitamin B2—1 mgm. * * * Niacinamide—10.0 mgm. ****>. was false and misleading as applied to an article which contained less than the declared amounts of vitamin B2 and niacinamide. DISPOSITION: June 13, 1950. Default decree of condemnation. The court ordered that the product be delivered to a charitable organization for its ,use and not for sale. INDEX TO NOTICES OF JUDGMENT F. N. J. NOS. 16301 TO 16350 PRODUCTS N. J. No. Bakery products 16301 Banana peppers, hot 16348 Beans, green, canned 16332 kidney, white, canned 16333 lima, canned 16334 Black-eyed peas, canned 16336 Breading mix 16301 Buffalo fish, frozen 16325 Butter 16313-16319 CandyU2_U HAill-i 16311,16312 Catsup, tomato,-i~L 16341 Cereals and cereal products 16301- 16309 Cheese 1 ' 16320, 16321 feta -16321 -CNizithra -16321 Ricotta 16321' N. J. No. Cherries, canned 16329 Chocolate liquor 16310 'Clams in juice, -canned 16328 Corn, canned , 16335 husks (for wrapping tamales)i 16338,16339 Crackers, salted, and graham crackers __- 16301 Dairy products. , „ 16313-46321 Eggs iij_'____'_*Jl: 1632246324 , frozen Li i 16324 Feedoil . 16349 Feta cheese 1 L-JLj— 16321 Fish and shellfish—' 16325-16328 Flavors. See Spices, flavors and seasoning materials. Flour *._«.__.__>_.. LL_-16302," 16303 The cases reported herewith were instituted in the United States district courts by the United States attorneys, acting upon reports submitted by the Federal Security Agency. Published by direction of the Federal Security Administrator. PAUL B. DUNBAR, Commissioner of Food and Drugs. WASHINGTON, D. C, November 22,1950 CONTENTS Page Cereals and cereal products 152 Bakery products 152 Flour 153 Macaroni and noodle products._ 153 Miscellaneous cereals and cereal products 153 Dairy products 155 Butter 155 Eggs 156 Fish and shellfish 157 Fruits and vegetables 161 Canned fruit 161 Dried fruit-_ ^ 161 Page Fruits and vegetables—Continued Fruit butter 162 Vegetables 162 Tomatoes and tomato products. 165 Nuts 167 Spices, flavors, and seasoning ma- terials 167 Vitamin, mineral, and other prod- ucts of special dietary signifi- cance 168 Miscellaneous foods 170 Index 171 151 912059-50-