15154. Adulteration of tomato juice. U. S. v. Garden State Canning Co., a cor¬ poration, and Norman W. Frazer and Harold R. Gray. Corporation and Norman W. Frazer each fined $1,000; sentence suspended against Har- old R. Gray. All defendants placed on 5 years' probation. (F. D. C. No. 24820. Sample Nos. 9366-K, 13042-K, 13044-K.) INFORMATION FILED : July 7, 1948, District of New Jersey, against the Garden State Canning Co., Hightstown, N. J., Norman W. Frazer, president, and Harold R. Gray, secretary-treasurer. ALLEGED SHIPMENT: Between the approximate dates of October 23, 1947, and January 22, 1948, from the State of New Jersey into the States of New York and Pennsylvania. LABEL IN PART: "Kontos Brand Tomato Juice * * * Kontos Bros. Inc. Distributors New York, N. Y." or "Norris Tomato Juice * * * Dis- tributed By Schuylkill Valley Grocery Co., Inc. Bridgeport, Pa." NATURE OF CHARGE: Adulteration, Section 402 (a) (3), the product consisted - in part of a decomposed substance by reason of the presence of decomposed tomato material. DISPOSITION : October 18,1948. Pleas of guilty having been entered, the corpora- tion and Norman W. Frazer were each fined $1,000; sentence was suspended against Harold R. Gray; and all of the defendants were placed on 5 years' probation. The court further ordered that during the period of the probation, the defendants have nothing to do either directly or indirectly with any tomato product except whole tomatoes; that the 3,000 cases of tomato juice stored at the cannery be examined by the Department of Agriculture; and that the unfit portion be destroyed under the supervision of the Food and Drug Administra- tion. In addition, the court ordered the corporate defendant and Norman W. Frazer each to pay $'500 for violation of the terms of probation imposed on July 14,1947, the time of a previous criminal conviction against the defendants. See notices of judgment on foods, No. 12604.