15078. Misbranding of cream mints. U. S. v. 180 Boxes * * *. (F. D. C. No. 27198. Sample No. 5236-K.) LIBEL FILED : May 9,1949, District of Maine. ALLEGED SHIPMENT : On or about April 21,1949, by the Gessis Candy Co., from Somersworth, N. H. PRODUCT: 180 boxes of cream mints at Biddef ord, Maine. LABEL, IN PART : "Ginny's Cream Mints Net Weight 8 Oz." NATURE OF CHARGE: Misbranding, Section 403 (e) (2),_ the article failed to bear a label containing an accurate statement of the quantity of the contents. (The article was short-weight.) DISPOSITION : September 20, 1949. Default decree of condemnation. The court ordered that the product be delivered to a charitable institution.