1 U722. Misbranding of alfalfa meal. U. S. v. Pemiscot Dehydrating Mill Co, T Plea of guilty. Fine, $50. (F. D. C. No. 26341. Sample No. 39271-K ) f 1NFORMAT1ON F1LED: On or about March 5, 1949, Eastern District of Missouri, | against the Pemiscot Dehydrating Mill Co., a corporation, Steele, Mo, t ALLEGED SH1PMENT : On or about August 7, 1948, from the State of Missouri urto the State of Pennsylvania. UBEL, 1N PART : "Neumond's 20% Dehydrated Alfalfa Meal * * * Guaran- teed Analysis Crude Protein, not less than 20.0% Manufactured Foe And Distributed By The Neumond Co. St. Louis, Missouri." MATURE OF CHARGE: Misbranding, Section 403 (a), the label statement "Crude Protein, not less than 20 0%" was false and misleading since the product con- tained less than 20 percent of crude protein. D1SPOS1T1ON : April 11, 1949. A plea of guilty having been entered on behalf g~ of the defendant, the court imposed a fine of $50. 1 849504—49 2 m.