14308. Adulteration of bread. U. S. v. Vitamelk Bread, Inc., and Louis E. Bayer. Plea of not guilty. Tried to the jury. Verdict of guilty. Corporation fined $1,000; Louis E. Bayer fined $500 on count 1, with imposition of sentence suspended on last 2 counts and probation for 5 years. (F. D. C No. 24782. Sample Nos. 22617-K, 22640-K, 22763-K.) INFORMATION FILED : July 16,1948, Western District of Louisiana, against Whit- aker Bread, Inc., Shreveport, La., and Louis E. Bayer, vice president and manager. ALLEGED SHIPMENT: On or about November 14 and December 29, 1947, from the State of Louisiana into the State of Texas. LABEL IN PART : "Vitamelk White Bread," "Vitamelk Wheat Bread," or "Vita- min Enriched White Buns." NATURE OF CHARGE : Adulteration, Section 402 (a) (3), the products consisted in part of filthy substances by reason of the presence of larvae, insect parts, rodent hair fragments, and beetles; and, Section 402 (a) (4), they had been prepared and packed under insanitary conditions whereby they may have become con- taminated with filth. DISPOSITION : March 4, 1949. Pleas of not guilty having been entered, the case was tried before a jury on February 23 and 24, 1949. A verdict of guilty as If; charged was returned on February 24,1949, and sentencing was deferred until f, March 4, 1949. Vitamelk Bread, Inc., was fined $1,000; Louis B. Bayer was g fined $500 on the first count, imposition of sentence on the last two counts | was suspended, and he was placed on probation for 5 years. 'hi I