13693. Adulteration of soybean sauce. V. S. v. 7 Gallons, etc. (and 5 other seizure | actions). (F. D. C. Nos. 28372 to 23375, inch, 23378, 23391. Sample Nos 6&020-H, 73528-H, 80962-H to S0964-H, inch, 89041-H, 89262-H.) | LIBELS FILED : Between July 24 and August 1,1947, Northern District of Illinois, Northern District of Ohio, District of Colorado, and District of Utah. ALLEGED SHIPMENT : Between the approximate dates of May 19 and July 3,1947, ; by the Soya Bean Products Co., Los Angeles, Calif. PRODUCT: Soybean sauce. 58 gallon jugs and 262 quart bottles at Chicago, Ill.; j] 9 gallon jugs at Cleveland, Ohio: 15 cases, each containing 4 gallon jugs, at |! Denver, Colo.; and 7 55-gallon drums and 48 1-ga 11 on jugs at East Garland, f\ Utah. 11 LABEL IN PART : "Hanarourasaki Sho-Yu Sauce Soya Beans Salt and Water." |,S NATURE OF CHARGE: Adulteration, Section 402 (a) (2). the product contained an added poisonous and deleterious substance, arsenic, which is unsafe within the meaning of the law since it is a substance not required in the production of the food and could have been avoided by good manufacturing practice. DISPOSITION : Between August 29 and December 17, 1947. Default decrees of condemnation and destruction.