Misbranding of canned peaches. U. S. >. 49 Cases * * \ (F. D. C. No !-. 24655. Sample No. 21457-K.) i ABEL FILED: OU or about June 14, 1948, Western District of Missouri. If! V ALLEGED SHIPMENT: On or about January 1, 194S. by the Colorado Mountain Foods Co., Grand Junction, Colo. PRODUCT: 49 cases, each containing 24 1-pound. 13-ounce cans, of peaches at St. Joseph, Mo. LABEL IN PART: "Millhorn Brand Elberta Yellow Freestone Halves Peaches." NATURE OF CHARGE: Misbranding. Section 403 (g) (1). the product failed to conform to the definition and standard of identity for canned peaches since the product had not been processed by beat so as to prevent spoilage. (Exami- nation showed that the product was decomposed.) DISPOSITION : August 3.1948. Default decree of destruction.