13622. Adulteration and misbranding of canned salmon. IT. S. v. 15 Cases * * * (and 2 other seizure actions). (F. D. C. Nos. 23185, 23186. 23409. Sample Nos. 66765-H, 66766-H, 69789-H.) LIBELS FILED : June 17 and August 15,1947, Southern District pf New York and Northern District of Illinois. ALLEGED SHIPMENT: On or about November 18, 1946, and April 14 and May 5, 1947, by the United Food Specialty Co., from Detroit, Mich. PRODUCT: Canned salmon. 20 cases at New York, N. Y., and 3 cases at Chicago, 111. Each case contained 48 7%-ounce Kans. LABEL IN PART : "Columbia River Fancy Chinook Salmon" or "Namyah Brand Fancy Chinook Salmon." NATURE OF CHARGE: Adulteration, Section 402 (b) (2), red salmon had been substituted for Chinook salmon, which the product was represented to be. Misbranding. Section 403 (a), the label designations "Fancy Chinook Salmon" and "Columbia River Fancy Chinook Salmon" were false and misleading as applied to red salmon. Misbranding. Section 403 (a), the statement on the label of the "Columbia River" brand "Packed By Columbia River Packers Assn.. Inc. Astoria. Ore- gon" was false and misleading since the product had not been packed by that firm. DISPOSITION: September 2 and December 29. 1947. Default decrees of con- demnation. The product was ordered delivered to charitable institutions, with the exception of two cases of the New York lot, which were ordered delivered to the Food and Drug Administration.